This week’s creations were for another one of my daughter’s friends. She had a lovely 5th birthday party in a very pretty marquee full of little princesses and pirates. Unfortunately we missed half of it as we got hopelessly lost. The two princesses in the back of our car were very patient but did wonder why it was taking quite so long to get there. We arrived just in time for the lunch boxes, which was Sleeping Beauty’s main concern, and they had a lovely time dancing and watching the boy pirates taking chunks out of each other with their swords.
The faces took forever to make but were a hit with the kids. They didn’t seem to mind that the princesses are in fact a bit ugly!
My next challenge is going to be a birthday cake for my nephew – either a Ferrari or a Harry Potter theme. Watch this space …
have tweeted this
I wouldn't have even thought to assess the princesses' hotness until you pointed it out!