My daughter was invited to a Mad Hatter’s tea party last weekend, and I was asked to do the cake. This is such a lovely theme for a little girls’ party, and they all looked fabulous in their costumes. A marquee had been set up in the garden and decorated with pretty bunting. The table was beautifully laid with mismatched cups and saucers and teapots full of sweeties. Another table was set up for teacup painting, which kept the girls entertained for quite some time.
There are so many ways to decorate an Alice in Wonderland themed cake that I had to have a chat with the birthday girl about which was the most important feature. She was certain that there should be a big top hat and maybe a teapot, so that’s what I made. The teapot is made from sugarpaste and the hat is cut from a square cake and carved into shape.
What a great cake, it's so neat and looks perfect for the party. I recently went to a Clandestine Cake Club where the theme was Alice in Wonderland…my cake contribution was a teapot cake! 🙂
Huge Thank you Lucy….not only did the cake look fantastic it fitted in perfectly with the birthday theme….. and also tasted divine… ** Selena
I saw your teapot – it was fab!
Thanks Selena. You are most welcome x
Why indeed Phil? Happy Easter to you.
I love the way this cake looks – a big top hat and a teapot is exactly right. Somehow a green top hat is even better. By the way, why is a raven like a writing-desk? Have a great Easter.